Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Prepare yourselves!!

Okay, before I get started here, please (all three readers....I've counted three being my mom, sister and husband) prepare yourselves for the next fifteen or so blog-entries to be about my parent's home. WOWZERS! I went back to home sweet home this last week and brought along my camera in hopes of capturing some images of my mother's creativity, so I can share it with the world.

The woman did not disappoint!!! To my pleasure (but not my surprise), one room and one entire backyard had been redone (it had been at least two months since I had last visited). So, please blog-readers prepare yourself to be truly inspired in my next few blog entries about the creativity this woman possesses! From leather walls, mirrored dressers, antique cabinets, glow-in-the-dark-everything to tissue-paper walls; it will inspire I promise!

I am officially committing to making more regular entries, so watch out! Also, after I rave about my mom's D-I-Y amazingness for a few weeks, I will show off the newest creation of my own. Prepare yourself world!!

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